
Technology in Belize

Belize is a small country located in Central America, bordered by Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the west and south. In recent years, Belize has made significant progress in developing its technology sector, but it still lags behind many other countries in the region in terms of technology adoption and infrastructure.

Some of the notable developments in technology in Belize include:

  1. Expansion of internet access: Belize has made significant progress in expanding access to the internet in recent years, with more than half of the population now having access to the internet.
  2. Growth of the BPO industry: Belize has become a popular destination for business process outsourcing (BPO) companies due to its location, language skills, and affordable labor costs.
  3. Development of e-government services: The Belizean government has made efforts to digitize its services and provide online access to citizens for a range of services, including paying taxes and applying for government permits.
  4. Mobile payments: Mobile payments have become increasingly popular in Belize, with several companies offering mobile payment solutions to consumers and businesses.
  5. Start-up ecosystem: While still in its early stages, Belize has seen the emergence of a small but growing start-up ecosystem, with several incubators and accelerators supporting the growth of technology-based businesses.
Overall, while Belize still faces challenges in developing its technology sector, there are promising signs of growth and development in this area.